This sounds like a gen-u-ine spammer.
Can the mailing list be set to recognize and flag particular senders (Hadi for example), and reply such with a page of links to FAQs, RTFM's and list-purpose/posting guidelines?
Hadi's emails go straight to trash for me but I see responses to his queries. He regularly posts similar questions to three lists to which I subscribe: On my centos machine, I need to install redhat on one of its partitions and so make it dual boot. Can you please let me know how this can be accomplished? On my debian machine, I need to install redhat on one of its partitions and so make it dual boot. Can you please let me know how this can be accomplished? On my ubuntu machine, I need to install redhat on one of its partitions and so make it dual boot. Can you please let me know how this can be accomplished?
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