On Fri, 1 Nov 2013, Wes James wrote:
I do understand that.
But why can you do
postfix stop/start
but not
sshd stop/start. With sshd you need to use service sshd stop/start. It seems inconsistent.
The standard way to start and stop services on any Red Hat based Linux system is with service service-name stop/start/restart/whatever. Postfix is a special case in that you can do service postfix stop/start OR you can do postfix stop/start because the postfix author designed it that way. If you do not like the inconsistency then always use service postfix start/stop/restart, etc.
Postfix just has an optional way to stop and start it. It is that simple. In addition, using service postfix whatever has more options then simply start and stop. You can do any of the following: {start|stop|restart|reload|abort|flush|check|status|condrestart}. Run the command "service postfix" without any additional arguments to see an example.