On 2/27/09, Joseph L. Casale JCasale@activenetwerx.com wrote:
I tried "yum install winpower" and the response was "no package winpower available" (rpmforge is one of the yum repositories I use, so it's not there, with that name).
It's not, but that search method could be expanded: # yum list *winpower* # yum list *win* # yum list *win* |grep -i <you get the picture...> etc etc
Try Apcupsd, it is a very complete enterprisable package that just runs well.
Thank you. I will give apcupsd a shot. We don't have any APC units, but, possibly, it will work with our UPS. If not, I will try to get WinPower running properly. I will also try your suggestions for searching with yum.