On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 10:45:03AM -0500, Rocky McGaugh told me:
I do see both points.
For those of us in the know, understanding the relationship between the cAos Foundation and the cAos Community and the cAos Project and the CentOS Project is as clear as the relationship between the Mozilla Foundation and the Mozilla Community and the Mozilla project (product) and the Bugzilla project.
The same relationships exist with Apache, where there is a foundation, community, and project/product all of the same name, but also other projects/products with other names under the same foundation/community.
How do we more accurately present this to newcomers to the websites?
Very good point/question. Possibly on the front page at caosity.org/about?
I will write some ideas down (when I get a chance). I had to explain this dozens of times at LinuxWorld, so I think I got pretty good at it. ;)