Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:
I am runnig posfix on Centos 4.4 as a Mailgateway. It only accepts mails for domains and then forwards mails to Lotus domino Server.
All clients sends outgoing mails to that Lotus domino Server. Then , That Lotus Domino Server sends mails to Postfix mailgateway. This postfix mailgateway sends mails to all the destinations. But, This Postfix mailgateway has about 150 messages in the mailq. Some are unwanted mails. I think they keep trying until 5 days old. I want decrease it to ONE DAY.
do not accept mail to inexistent addresses. implement proper recipient validation. if you can't share the list of users with postfix, then use reject_unverified_recipient (only for recipients of your domains).
accept then bounce (backscatter) is no more acceptable.
In Sendmail, this can be done by editing as below.
(`confTO_QUEUERETURN', `5d')dnl
changing above line to below line
(`confTO_QUEUERETURN', `1d')dnl
How Can I do it in Postfix?
O Timeout.queuereturn=5d
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