So, can anyone confirm that discards work on ext4 a LVM RAID0 of two
SSDs with CentOS 6.4 or the latest ElRepo kernel for Centos 5.8?
This should be a fairly simple question, either it works or it doesn't...
Joakim Ziegler - Supervisor de postproducción - Terminal - 044 55 2971 8514 - 5264 0864
On 20/08/13 13:25, Joakim Ziegler wrote:
> On 20/08/13 5:39, Mihai T. Lazarescu wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 12:20:01PM +0200, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn wrote:
>>>> Is that correct? Will this solve my problem? I want to confirm that
>>>> discard support works on a RAID0 of SSDs using LVM and ext4 before I
>>>> start working on getting this legacy application to run on a newer CentOS.
>>> What kind of SSD are you using? We use Intel 520's here
>>> and don't really see these kind of slowdowns.
>> You can also check a newer kernel for CentOS 5 from ELrepo:
> That's an excellent suggestion, thanks.
> However, can anyone confirm that this in fact works? That is, that LVM
> RAID0 of two SSDs and ext4 will allow the file system to issue discards
> to the underlying devices?