On 12/31/2011 02:24 PM, Tilman Schmidt wrote:
consider using fpm instead ? it kind of address's the same problem in a different way.
Although I'm not the OP I'm interested in that topic too.
https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/wiki and https://docs.google.com/present/view?id=0Aa9liCTsAyzRZGNtd3dkOTRfMTdmczY2azl...
having said that - *I* am not a big fan of using these kinds of tools, its still way better to get a spec file in place that you can hand edit and maintain. Fpm has its place, it will let you grab a build and make an rpm out of it - but it does nothing for maintainability and nothing for management. BUT its a mile better than a 'make install' or checkinstall ( in that it does use rpmbuild )
installing fpm is tricky, since it has no dependency checks - so its a case of install it, then workout what deps it needs as things fail. Maybe a slightly worthwhile effort would be to package fpm into a rpm with the right deps :)