On 10/21/2011 09:17 AM, Giles Coochey wrote:
On Fri, October 21, 2011 16:02, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg wrote:
Giles Coochey wrote:
So Centos 6.0 is EOL?
not familiar with the rhel life cycle are you? Read this: https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/errata/ _______________________________________________
Thanks. I see that.
However, if I install whatever latest version of an operating system distribution. I expect to be able to run something that will give me stable security-updates for that distribution.
It appears that this is not the case, and my only option is to take my servers down the beta route to Centos 6.1 Release Candidates.
Other than that - the only advice given so far is: remain vulnerable to attack.
Do you see anything that says Beta or Release Candidate?
You could always PAY for the original and get the updates as they are released ... OR ... you can build them yourself. We are doing this as fast as we can.
If you need SLA type support, then CentOS is likely NOT the distro for you as it does not have SLAs. It is a distribution built and released by volunteers for you to use or not use as you see fit. If you need the updates faster than we can deliver them, you must either learn to build them yourself or find another way.
There is nothing BETA about the CR repo ... it is the CR repo.