On 03/08/2011, at 7:32 AM, James B. Byrne wrote:
Mike A. Harris mharris at mharris.ca Tue Aug 2 16:45:56 EDT 2011
What I'm left wondering is:
- Why you are relying on PATH expansion for this from something as
critical as a cron job. It is good sysadmin practice to specify explicit paths for situations like this rather than to worry about whether or not there is a good or valid reason for there being 2 ftp clients installed on the system.
Point taken and that is e=indeed what i subsequently did. However, in my defence I explicitly set the PATH variable in the crontab entry prior to invoking the calling script that uses ftp. It never crossed my mind that I should have first done a 'which ftp' to discover which one was being used in my login shell because it never crossed my mind that there would be two different ftp clients on my systems to begin with.
And frankly, I do not think that anyone would a priori conceive of there being two separate telnet clients, two different sftp clients, or two of anything else of a similar nature as being a reasonable possibility.
Ignoring why you would or wouldn't use ftp. i believe your question was answered a while ago...
gollum.deepsoft.com% rpm -qf /usr/kerberos/bin/ftp /usr/bin/ftp krb5-workstation-1.6.1-55.el5_6.2 ftp-0.17-35.el5
If the kerberos workstation package is installed you get the kerberos ftp client.