Sean Staats wrote:
I can't seem to get the read and write performance better than approximately 40MB/s on an ext2 file system. IMO, this is horrible performance for a 6-drive, hardware RAID 5 array. 2 x 2.8GHz Xeons 6GB RAM 1 3ware 9500S-12
You should be getting much, much higher than 40MBps reads on any 3Ware controller. As far as writes, there were some bugs in the early 9.2 firmware that should be cleared up. You shouldn't be seeing anything that slow on a 9500S.
It's not the filesystem. It's probably the card/array configuration.
2 x 6-drive, RAID 5 arrays
Again, the early 9.2 firmware had a performance bug with multiple volumes. What is your firmware?
with a stripe size of 256KB.
Any reason you went with a 256KiB stripe size? I typically stick with the 32KiB default.