Johnny Hughes wrote:
There are new RPMS released for nx and freenx in the CentOS-4 and CentOS-5 Extras repository.
I normally do not announce that here, as those can easily be obtained on a normal "yum upgrade/update", however in this case there are special actions required *_IF_* you have the x86_64 architecture for either CentOS-4 or CentOS-5 with the current versions of nx and freenx installed.
The freenx and nx in the x86_64 tree were i386 versions prior to this release because the nomachine code would not compile on x86_64. This release fixes that and the new versions are x86_64 RPMS and no longer i386. This means that YUM will not update the currently installed i386 RPMS that are installed on x86_64 machines.
If you are running nx and freenx on x86_64, to get these upgraded you *_MUST_*:
- Manually download the x86_64 RPMS from these location:
1a. Remove the current nx and freenx with this command:
rpm -e nx freenx
- Manually install these two RPMS with this command (as root from
within the directory where you downloaded them):
rpm -Uvh freenx-0.7.1-1.el5.centos.x86_64.rpm nx-3.0.0-4.el5.centos.x86_64.rpm
(that command is all one line if it wraps on your e-mail)
I apologize for the manual update requirement, however yum will not update i386 packages with x86_64 ones.
Again ... this is *_ONLY_* required if you have the prior released i386 versions of nx and freenx installed on the X86_64 arch of either CentOS-4.x or CentOS-5.x.
If you are using the i386 architecture of CentOS-4.x or CentOS-5.x then you can just upgrade via yum normally.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
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