I want be able to embed php in html code...following along in php freak's manual but can't get anywhere yet
if you have done [ root@radobox ~]# yum install php
then do .... /etc/init.d/httpd restart
it should configure it automatically for you.
Then create a script in your document root such as....
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
you should see a bunch of information....
At what stage are you stuck at ?
The Jim and Robin for your replies. what's bothering me, lol ya rite! what's bothering me is that I don't know what I'm doing! lol , no really, the following 2 points:
1. [root@rbadmin bin]# rpm -q php php-4.3.9-3.9 [root@rbadmin bin]#
2. and I did this that I found somewhere on the web but can't find it again: [root@rbadmin bin]# cat <<EOP > script-test.php3
#!/usr/bin/php -q
<? echo "PHP script interpreter is OK!\n"; ?>
[root@rbadmin bin]# chmod 755 script-test.php3 [root@rbadmin bin]# script-test.php3 PHP script interpreter is OK!
I also thought I saw a line in my httpd.conf referring to php but I think I'm losing it.
k...tommorrow morn I am going to do what y'all suggested.
thx for your help
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