On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 05:45 +0530, Sudev Barar wrote:
On 17/08/06, Philip Wyett philipwyett@blueyonder.co.uk wrote: [SNIP]
Download the .run driver file to a location of your choosing.
Obtain root privileges using 'su -' and entering the root password.
Open and edit '/etc/inittab' with your preferred editor and change the line:
This will change your runlevel from 5 (graphical) to 3 (text). Save the changes and exit the editor.
Reboot your machine.
- Now back at the prompt, type 'exit' to logout from the root account.
- Do the three finger salute i.e. 'Ctrl + Alt + Delete' to reboot.
Excellent howto but..
Are the two reboots needed? Why not stop gdm/kdm/whatever from console while logged in as root and do the install and edits and then again restart. You can simply do this by giving command "telinit 3" while logged in as root from "Alt+Ctl+f1" (console 1) and again "telinit 5" to restart.
or am I going wrong somewhere?
As I explained you can use telinit, but for me it's just a preference not to and I feel the method I used is easier for new comers who really don't need the shortcuts so early in their Linux lives.