On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 12:10 AM, Ned Sliderned@unixmail.co.uk wrote:
R P Herrold wrote:
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009, Ned Slider wrote:
Rather than dumping *even more work* on the core CentOS project (who are already clearly struggling to provide even the core distro at present), ...
It may be clear to Ned, but is not the case.
Then we disagree. Others can look and judge for themselves :)
I wish people not in the know would not purport to characterize CentOS internals, but speculation is a human trait, I guess
Bingo! That's the whole point Russ - members of the Community don't know what's going on with *their* Community Enterprise OS because there is no dissemination of information.
What I *do* "know" is that 5.3 took ~10 weeks to release, and before that 4.7 took ~7 weeks. We are already 6 weeks into the 4.8 release cycle with no news of how it's progressing or when a release is to be expected. Prior to this, update sets typically took ~4 weeks to release.
Struggling? Maybe/maybe not. Struggling within a reasonable time frame - depends on your definition of reasonable and time frame I guess. Perhaps this is where we disagree above.
Anyway, as I said previously, I would rather see the CentOS Project concentrate on the core product and do a really good job on that (i.e, a move closer to the old 4 week release lag than the current 10 week release lag), and I would much rather see this than effort diluted by taking on a contrib repo.
I would note that from the earliest days of RPMForge, Dag offered, and indeed granted comit rights to me, which I have not used. I find it easier to use the bug tracker, and to send emails to him ... lazy of me, I know, but again human nature in play
Additionally I regularly pull, fork, and fix 'broken' RF packages [for self, or in consulting engagements], and drop the SRPM's in my personal archive to satisfy GPL source availability obligations. I've seem parts of my packagings end up elsewhere which is fine
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