On 3/29/07, John R Pierce pierce@hogranch.com wrote:
actually, you enable it by editing /etc/xinetd.d/swat and commenting out the disable=yes line w/ a #, then `service xinetd reload`
its not a bad idea to enable the only_from line too, and specify the IP of the system or subnet you wish to control it from, this supports style network notation too.
Okay, I had to go refresh my memory. The command "chkconfig swat on" edits /etc/xinetd.d/swat to change the "disable" option, perhaps easier for the non-techies than editing the file, but then again system-config-services might be even easier to use, and points out that you need to deal with xinetd.. The default CentOS-configuration (at least the one for 4.4 I just installed), has "only_from" set to I don't think I'd want wide access to it (like if I had a wireless LAN), but if the original requester already has webmin running it may not matter.