ok. but if script are using direct gcc...and not the varaible CC ?
I think this make more sense if you have different MPI compilers, like, one mpicc (gcc34), other mpicc(gcc41), etc. Or different BLAS libraries, like libblas or libgoto etc.
it is my problem...with mpicc for example. And I though I could solve it with a gcc44 module or a gcc41 module. For example I have gcc 4.4 installed, how can say to mpicc to use it ?
I suggest you to edit script, and replace gcc with CC[1]. Or put an alias at the beginning of the script: alias gcc=gcc34(?).
For mpi, it's much easier because you set everything: CC=gcc34, PREFIX=/data/mpi/gcc34, etc. Then you build the other one, CC=gcc, PREFIX=/data/mpi/gcc41, etc. Now you build you modules.
Probably in the FAQ or documentation of your MPI explains how to create your libraries, etc.
There a few good tutorials about parallel computing and MPI, etc here: https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/parallel_comp/ https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/mpi/
[1] You can replace inside vi, for example, or use something like 'sed': http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html#uh-0