OK this is talking about downloading from rhn but does anyone have any tips with getting mrepo on a CentOS 5 box to be able to download from rhn reliably?
Seemingly everything is configured OK as it downloads a package or 2 but mainly bombs out with...
Error communicating with server. The message was: Forbidden avalon-framework-manual-4.1 avalon-framework-manual-4.1 avalon-framework-manual-4.1 rhnget: CommunicationError: Error downloading package avalon-framework-manual-4.1.4-2jpp.13.x86_64.rpm from rhel-x86_64-server-5. Skipping. Error communicating with server. The message was: Forbidden avalon-logkit-1.2-4jpp.3.x8 avalon-logkit-1.2-4jpp.3.x8 ^Cmrepo: Mirroring failed for rhns:///rhel-x86_64-server-5 with message: Failed with return code: 2 rhel5-server-x86_64: Repository updates changed (new: 1, removed: 0) rhel5-server-x86_64: New packages: Deployment_Guide-en-US-5.2-11.noarch.rpm rhel5-server-x86_64: Distribution updated (new: 1, removed: 0)
It manages to get the first package or 2 of a run but thats it -
Any clues?