On Sun, 2011-07-24 at 16:33 -0400, R P Herrold wrote:
On Sun, 24 Jul 2011, Always Learning wrote:
If the pictures are named sequentially, why not store then at a 100 per directory structure something like this
Go read Knuth
One does not do that because then one is counting on the end user's data to conform to, and to continue to conform to your expectations [here you have added an invisible constraint of 'pix' as the first part of the file name which you are hoping remains constant -- it will not, as survey of naming schemes used by digital camera makers will reveal]. Your explicit constraint of a monotonicly increasing image number is also not likely to be realized in a world where people will erase or for other reasons not submit all of a given photo shoot
I did begin with 'IF' :-)
Photo-shoot or whatever, using the 'rename' command means pictures can adopt a uniform numbering system. There is no logical or genuine practical reason to accept a disorganised mess.
I have about 21,000+ pictures - all my own work. I can find and display any of them within about 17 seconds (just timed myself) using basic operating system commands. (My database application is unfinished).