On 02/02/2011 01:01 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
Karabhir, what are the odds of encouragng a switch to http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora-epel/6/mock-1.1.8-1.el6.src.rpm, and backporting it to centos/5/5/extras ? It's working very well for me, and I think it would be a helpful improvement in RPM building for both the CentOs 5.6 and CentOS 6 efforts.
Performance isnt really a problem we need to solve on the centos-buildsys side of things; however keeping things consistent is an issue. Because of the way things have changed in mock >= 0.8 I'm hesitant to change what we have in production for c3/4/5 since we know it works and it works across the entire distro tree from 4.0 to 5.6
So having the choice of the newer mock in epel isnt a bad thing as such, its just that the newer ver of mock isnt what is used internally within centos.
Having said that, for centos6 we will almost certainly end up with a newer mock, at the moment its 1.1.3 ( slightly modified and has a few patches from 1.1.3+ ); but once we are ready to release we can bring in a newer mock, do a few tests and have that in c6/extras.
- KB