It looks like FreeNX only runs on 32-bit, won't run on 64-bit kernel. Is that correct? If so, is VNC the next best alternative?
Les Mikesell wrote:
Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I don't know about a minimum X install, but I've been very happy with freenx on centos 5, connecting as easily from mac, PC, or linux. in my lab (human brain imaging), we do remote graphics display all the time, openoffice definitely works. I wanted to be able to work from home and X was just crawling along, unusable. with freenx, its almost like sitting at the console. I have my gnome desktop (KDE is also fine) and all the visual goodness that comes with it. my favorite story is an undergrad working in my lab was able to connect over wireless from Argentina to my server in CT USA, pull up images, and do some real work--the point being that its fast and secure.
moreover, there is a very helpful FAQ,
Do you run the server in init 5? Or can it run in init 3?
Trying to save memory on the server....
But wait, the client has even LESS memory :(
Freenx/NX will use more memory at both ends than a plain remote X session because it gets most of its performance gain and the ability to suspend a running session by caching things at both ends. On a fast local LAN you might just use X, but for remote access it is worth buying more RAM if you need it.