On Tue, 2005-09-06 at 09:31 +0200, Martin Hamant wrote:
Le Sun, 4 Sep 2005 23:03:43 -0500 "Melinda Odom" info@designhosting.biz écrivait:
hi !
I have recently had problems with doing a security update from the centos mirrors where the mail extensions were missing from the php package so any ecommerce sites stopped after the update via yum: php i386 4.3.2-25.ent.centos.1 update php-imap i386 4.3.2-25.ent.centos.1 update php-mysql i386 4.3.2-25.ent.centos.1 update php-pgsql i386 4.3.2-25.ent.centos.1 update We reverted back to php-4.3.2-24 to quickly solve the problem.
Is there a mirror that has the complete package for CentOS 3.5?
Also, am considering upgrading to CentOS 4 so is this easily done from 3.5 and would there be any problems with the packages for 4?
Take a look at centos-announce list ! http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2005-August/000574.html
And the associed bug report : http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=999
We think this is working correctly with "4.3.2-25.ent.centos.1" ... if it is not, that is a major problem.
It was not working with "4.3.2-25.ent".
Can you re-verify that the issue was with "4.3.2-25.ent.centos.1".
Thanks, Johnny Hughes