Josh Kelley wrote:
On 11/26/05, Jerry W. Hubbard wrote:
I was looking at my newly installed CentOS 4.2 system with ls* commands yesterday and lsdev was not on the system.
Did I miss installing a package? A Google search for CentOS 4.2 and lsdev was unhelpful.
lsdev is part of the procinfo package, which doesn't appear to be provided with any version of RHEL or CentOS. However, it is included with Fedora, so you should be able to take the procinfo SRPM from Fedora Core 3 or 4 and rebuild it for CentOS 4.2.
FYI, an easy way to check for which package provides what (rather than using Google) is yum provides lsdev
Josh Kelley _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list
For the original search on my, I did an updatedb and used the locate lsdev command. I also tried find and whereis lsdev. After some research this weekend it was apparent the procinfo and socklist commands did not work either. Your answer explains why.
I was also interested in why it was not included, hence the Google search. It appears Linux may be more secure without it. I did not find a clear explanation why. My guess is the system calls made by the procinfo package. I'm not a programmer. If I were, I would review the source code.
I suspected it was not provided in RHEL, just haven't found a way to prove it without help.
Does Red Hat provide a site that list the included packages? Is it in the Red Hat Doc? I was looking for the lsdev package also, not procinfo. Still allot to learn.
Josh, Thank you for the help.