On 12/17/10 10:21 AM, Helmut Drodofsky wrote:
- I'm using 5.2 or 5.3 as a host.
- my expierince: 5.4 is not stable with vmware as a host.
The hosts are completely behind firewall.
Vmware server 2.0.2-203138
With 5.3 my problem was solved.
The 2.x series of vmware server are badly broken with respect to RHEL/Centos - plus the change to the web based console is horrible. I'm running the older 1.x server on several centos 5.5 machines with no problems. But, if it is at all feasible you are better off running the free Vmware ESXi on the host instead of the server version. You do need a windows box to run the remote console, though.