On Sun, 26 Feb 2012 20:14:50 +0100 Michael Lampe wrote:
Frank Cox wrote:
A dependency is supposed to be something that's required for a program to work. Removing the dependency from the rpm won't magically make a program work if it really does require the functionality provided by that dependency.
It's there.
Just not registered with rpm. -- Intel's fault, I cannot do anything about it.
Then the solution I posted will solve the problem.
The easiest way to do it is this:
yum install rpmdevtools rpmdev-setuptree rpm -i nameofsrcrpm.src.rpm cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS vi nameofspecfile.spec
Edit the dependency list to suit.
rpmbuild -ba nameofspecfile.spec
That's it. You now have a new .src.rpm and binary rpm.