Chris Adams wrote:
Anybody have any experience with setting up dhcpd in failover mode between two servers? I set this up on a couple of servers, and it seems to be working, but I don't think it is working "right". It appears both servers are replying to all requests (which for renewals works okay because they both give the same address, but new requests get two different responses). I thought that only one server would reply to a particular request.
<snip> In our /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf, we have a stanza
failover peer "dhcp" { primary; address <primary IP address; port 519; peer address <failovee peer IP address>; peer port 520; max-response-delay 300; max-unacked-updates 10; mclt 600; split 128; load balance max seconds 3; }
Hope that helps.