On Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 11:04:55AM -0400, pctech@mybellybutton.com wrote:
It has nothing to do with nobody else asking a question. It has to do with the WAY it was asked and WHAT was asked. His question came across like, "You and your document don't f*cking matter because we have no idea who you are. You're not welcome here." Right or wrong, that's the way he came across. In fact, more than one person came across that way.
It only came across that way because, to be blunt, you seem to want to take it that way. To the causal observer, those replies seem perfectly polite, and your responses startling. Which is why everyone jumped in.
me feel when I offered something up. Nothing more, nothing less. I was left with the perception that everyone was a bunch of rude jerks. Right or wrong, that's the perception that came across.
There is only so much we can do about your perceptions.