On Sat, 2006-06-10 at 16:52 -0500, Steve wrote:
Antonio Ortega Brook wrote:
Hi! I have not any experience working in Red Hat based distros and I have to remaster a Centos Live CD, Does anybody know how can I do that? Thanks...
Hi Antonio,
Have you recieved any help on this? I'm afraid I have no experience with live CDs. But have you received any help via private email? I wasn't sure how to interpret Johnny's response on the list.
Keeping in mind that I know nothing about live CDs, I do know a bit about the RedHat world.
Everything we do is open source, however I have no desire to help someone create a replacement distro for CentOS. I am just not interested in helping someone create a competitor for our Distro ... I can't see how anyone would be confused (or even surprised) about that.
We created a CentOS Live CD ... it is for recovery and you can use it for testing.
We created a Single server CD to make installs easier.
For both of these, we will be happy to entertain changes that people want ... but I don't think it is in our best interest to tell people exactly how to build replacements for those, do you?
The scripts I used are published here for the LiveCD: http://mirror.centos.org/centos/4/build/livecd/
All the files for the Single Server CD are on it.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes