The "2005 Readers' Choice Awards" voting is in progress at Linux Journal, and CentOS is Nominated in the "distribution:" category.
So ... all you guys and gals who think CentOS is the best thing ever, get over to:
and vote for CentOS :) ------------------------------- Also, since write ins are allowed on the e-mailed ballot, if you don't have a favorite for the "web hosting service:" category, might I suggest you pick your favorite from the hosting companies on our website who donate servers to the CentOS project:
(one hosting company who is making a server donation now, but it isn't quite setup yet ... and isn't on the donor list just yet is: ) ------------------------------- This is the first round of voting, which ends June 27th and then there will be a final ballot.
Make sure to send in the e-mail ballot in plain text ... and not HTML.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes