James B. Byrne wrote:
I have a remote CentOS-5.3 installation that shares traffic with another enterprise. I want to record and measure the actual network traffic that comes into and goes out of that host's net i/f on a monthly basis for billing verification purposes. Does CentOS have a software package to accomplish this?
I have run across references to a package called vnstat as a possible answer to my requirements, but I cannot seem to locate a CentOS rpm package for it.
There are several tools that will collect interface traffic data via SNMP and record it so you can graph, show high/low/average values over a time span, etc. Cacti (in the epel repo) is probably the easiest to set up, OpenNMS (http://www.opennms.org) probably the most complete. These could also get their data from a port on a managed switch or router if that makes it easier to show the connections you need to split out.