Thanks a lot Kwan and Clint.
The error regarding metadata happened when I was using CD ISOs. I had set of ISOs in web accessible dir and the KS file had an entry 'url --url <ip.addr>/iso-dir/'. The DVD download should be complete within few minutes. I will try it tomorrow. Still, it would be great to get CDs working.
Clint, thanks for the tips regarding repo/package management.
- CS.
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 8:12 PM, Kwan wrote:
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Clint Dilks wrote:
This method will work another option I'd recommend is checking out MREPO. As this enables you to maintain your own copy of repositories as well as setting up your own custom ones.
Other options are things like
Cobbler is a huge timeserver :)
Spacewalk also deserves kudos. I run Satellite at work and am using it in conjunction with Spacewalk to prepare for an upcoming Satellite class.
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