John Doe wrote:
From: Ian Forde
On Thu, 2010-02-04 at 14:19 -0800, Kenneth Porter wrote:
--On Thursday, February 04, 2010 8:36 AM -0600 Robert Nichols
Looks like that's about all you can do. USB devices aren't available until hotplug discovers them, and that's proceeding in parallel with the rest of the boot sequence. Be sure to put a timeout in that loop lest it hang forever if that external device is absent.
Even better would be to make the script event-driven and launched by the hotplug process. Then there's no busy-wait.
Since the OP is looking to have their USB drive mounted before mythtv's backend process starts up, I'd recommend disabling the mythbackend startup script:
chkconfig mythbackend off
Then doing a manual mount in /etc/rc.local, followed by starting mythbackend.
/sbin/mount /dev/sdb1 /wherever /sbin/service mythbackend start
Of course, I wouldn't recommend using a USB drive for storing myth recordings, as it eventually bite you due to USB2's limited bandwidth...
-I (also a mythtv user!)
Hum... hoping in in the middle of the conversation but... I am mounting a usb disk through fstab; and the daemon (bacula) using it never complained... Aren't the filesystems mounted (rc.sysinit?) before most daemons...? Otherwise, just create a mounting init script with a starting priority lower than mythbackend.
There lie the perils of jumping in late. The issue was not with mounting, but rather the boot-time fsck, which occurs earlier.