On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 04:15:23PM -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
Why does this directory have to be /tmp rather than a specific directory belonging to twiki?
Twiki is a perl web application run under apache. It doesn't have its own uid. It doesn't 'have' to be anywhere in particular but that is the way it was written and thus has very confusing results when trying to move it to CentOS 7. Is there some generic approach to fixing this kind of breakage (that is, to make it work and not confusing, not to say it was broken as designed)? To function as a backup, it probably shouldn't default to being in the same directory as the files it backs up.
There are two (sane) options, I think.
The first, and I think the best, is to configure twiki to share files in some specific location rather than /tmp. It doesn't have to be the same directory as the files being backed up — maybe something under /var/lib/twiki (or /var/local/twiki).
If the twiki backup plugin didn't allow this to be configured, I would argue that it _is_ broken by design. But a quick Google search leads me to http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/BackupRestorePlugin, which shows that it is indeed configurable, so I'm just going to call it a questionable default. :)
If you want to keep that default, though, the second approach would be to configure Apache to not use a private namespace, which I don't recommend because you lose the security benefit. To do that, put
[Service] PrivateTmp=false
in /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service (which may not exist).