On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 12:54 PM, SilverTip257 silvertip257@gmail.comwrote:
On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 1:09 PM, zGreenfelder <zgreenfelder@gmail.com
On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Pat Haley phaley@mit.edu wrote:
Actually we're talking about both SSH and XDMCP X11 forwarding. Both seem to be currently disabled by the iptables.
We'll try out what you suggest and get back with the results. Thanks.
iptables should have no effect (well. I guess if you do some really
Read the entire thread. The OP tested with firewall rules and then with fw off/flushed rules.
He could run 'iptables -L -x' at the command line to get the counts of
dropped packets. If he does that twice, one before and once after testing the differences will show which rules are being hit.
odd config settings it -could-, but that's a bit of an edge case) on ssh X tunnels. check your /etc/ssh/sshd_config for X11Forwarding it should be set to yes. if you have iptables that apply to localhost/ network, then I suppose iptables could be part of the problem. but I'd think it'd make sense to drop most all of those rules.
it might also be helpful to look at the output of from your external machine when you run ssh -vvvv -X user@clusterhost (I wouldn't send it all to the list, cuz it'll be a ton of nonsense, but the last page or of output lines have helped me find issues in the past)
... or am I completely off in left field and you're saying you're unable to ssh into your machines? --