On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 8:15 PM, John R Pierce pierce@hogranch.com wrote:
On 5/30/2013 4:59 PM, Norman Schklar wrote:
I plugged in the other 3 drives and went to the raid setup in Centos. I created a raid 5 with the three disks. It doesn't allow using the 1st
boot disk in the raid. Should I use a usb drive to host an install then once it's running
the system again In the raided drives?
booting from soft raid has limitations. the /boot partition containing grub and the kernel either can't be raid or it can be mirrored, while the root partition can be full raid
I generally avoid raid5/6 except for large scale bulk nearline archival storage, and use raid1 or 10 for all 'operational' stuff. I also tend to use 2 drives just for the OS and software, then seperate drives in whatever appropriate raid configuration for your large data (sql databases, websites, file server spaces, etc).... but I also don't like deploying raid without online hot spares. raid's only function is uptime availability in face of drive failures, and to aggreagate many drives into a single larger volume with potentially higher performance, its NOT a substitute for backups.
Now looking for way to get software raid to setup for raid 10 then install
Centos 6.4. This is still a new install, so not concerned with loss of any data. I am now booting into a 3.6 TB storage area which is 4 1TB drives. I want it to be +-2TB active as Raid 10. How do I setup the software Raid before installing Centos 6.4?