On Fri, Aug 21, 2009, Dave wrote:
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Scott Ehrlichsrehrlich@gmail.com wrote:
... stuff deleted
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:57 PM, Bill Campbellcentos@celestial.com wrote:
To really know whether a system has been hacked, it's necessary to use something like Tripwire or Aide,
And very carefully. Only that won't help you with memory-only attacks, or bios stuff, etc. These tools concentrate on verifying that your disk files have not been altered. I don't think they would help with an attack that uses free space (guessing here). Also, they are a pain, unless your system stays absolutely static, which in effect means, if you never use it. Have them ignore your data space, and the hacker can exploit that. And even then, linux is constantly updating various files in the background, and of course you need to update software to keep up with the security patches. You need to track every change of every file. I doubt many people have the patience.
One of the problems I've found with tripwire in particular and aide to a lesser extent is that they (a) tend to be very verbose even when nothing has changed, and (b) updating their database is fairly complex. I have developed a system that we use here and at our client sites that uses the tripwire formatted configuration files, but maintains its own database, and produces minimal reports of changes (none of nothing has changed). Updating its database after changes have been checked and verified is a simple file ``mv'' command.
I review daily reports from over 50 systems every morning, checking changes found, usually taking no more than 10 minutes a day. The key is to keep the reports simple, and to make updating easy (and to have procedures that monitor systems to be sure they's still alive and reporting in).
We also remove prelink from our kickstart installs on CentOS systems because I think that the benefits of prelinking are marginal compared with the problems it creates tracking system changes. The changes of prelink makes on a system can be removed by turning it off then the appropriate /etc/sysconfig file and waiting a day for the daily maintenance to restore things to their original condition.
It's also a good idea to check for executables in places they normally shouldn't be, /tmp, /dev/shm on SuSE systems, /var/tmp, and similar directories where crackers like to hide their work. Often these executes will be in directories with names like ``.. '' (note the trailing space) that look legitimate.
I like this, because it might actually be automated. Of course, you're trusting stat or whatever.
Actually I'm trusing the python os.path.walk and ``file'' command to check for executables.
You cannot trust tools like ``ps'', ``find'', ``netstat'', and ``lsof'' as these are frequently replaced by ones that are modified to hide the cracker's work.
Naturally we are running aide and tripwire from a CD or other read-only medium, why not toss in a copy of these tools as well? Of course, if the kernel has been hacked, even that won't save us, but we have to take what we can get.
We create a file system initially, the same size as ``/'', and make a copy of ``/'' in it identical except for the /etc/fstab entry. This is not mounted in normal operations, but the system can be booted from it to get to a clean system. Of course this must be updated using rsync after significant changes in the root file system.
The key to all of this is to plan for security and intrusion detection at the outset.
... Bill