Paolo Supino wrote:
I can't wait until CentOS 5.3 is released :-( The bigger issue is that I also have windows xp running as a guest inside a vmware server (version 2) and since vmware doesn't discover the audio devices properlly (because linux claims to not have them), there's no sound in Windows ...
I can't help with your Windows problems. I have no idea how VMware handles audio. In VMware Server 1.0.x, a WinXP guest shows no audio even on a CentOS host with fully working audio for me. YMMV.
If you really can't wait for CetOS-5.3 then you have a couple options, none supported by CentOS:
1. Grab the upstream 5.3 -128 kernel (which contains the alsa-drivers), and alsa-libs and -utils SRPM packages, rebuild and test. This will give you an indication if CentOS-5.3 will support your audio when released.
2. Grab the latest alsa-driver tarball from their website, compile and install.