On Fri, Sep 28, 2007 at 11:15:44AM -0400, David Mackintosh wrote:
Ok, so if you tuned in last time, I couldn't make the installation/upgrade of PHP5 from the Centos4 CentOS Plus repository work. Not one to be easilly dissuaded, I shapened my shovel and dug myself a hole.
Now, my users are complaining about errors like:
[28-Sep-2007 10:32:29] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/modules/fileinfo.so' - /usr/lib/php/modules/fileinfo.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 [28-Sep-2007 10:32:29] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/modules/apc.so' - /usr/lib/php/modules/apc.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 [...repeat for each file in /usr/lib/php/modules/...]
However, those "files" are there:
# ls -l /usr/lib/php/modules/fileinfo.so /usr/lib/php/modules/apc.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 75652 Nov 24 2006 /usr/lib/php/modules/apc.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10580 Nov 24 2006 /usr/lib/php/modules/fileinfo.so
I don't know anything about how to get php to show these errors, since the simple phpinfo.php file works (but admittedly it doesn't really do anything).
Can anyone point me in the right direction, or perhaps offer me other directions in which to dig?
For those who end up here as the result of an internet search: my problem in this case was that I installed i386 rpms on a x86_64 system, which explains why php couldn't load the modules even though they were there.
Two long hours with yum and rpm, removing and re-installing various parts, and I have a happy user community.
So honestly this problem was of my own making. Nothing to see here.