On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I have already 6 Centos machines here and it is getting strange having to pull down updates to each system.
Seems like I should set up one system to pull updates and then all other systems to point to it.
Plus then I would want to add to this repository.
Say that a number of my systems use tomcat which is only available via rpm. I would like to be able to add it to my repository, and if even manually, to keep it current. This way, when I build a new system, after the build I would do a yum update (from my server), then a yum install of all of the extras that particular system needs.
Use yam to maintain your local repositories. Once you get started with YAM you will see that you can create you own repository for custom packages. You can also define your own groupsets which will download packages from your custom repository
In order to have a custom repostory you will then need to edit /etc/yum.r/myrepo.repo