Robert Heller wrote:
At Thu, 24 Mar 2011 09:22:33 -0400 CentOS mailing list wrote:
I found the .ppd for our brand new HP z3200ps 44" printer - a coworker got me the one from the Mac, and I edited it to separate out the Mac-only commands (there's even an #ifdef in ppd language), and it prints; I don't even need postprocessing, apparently... except that even though it knows how wide the paper is (in this case, a 24" wide roll that came with the printer), it refuses to print a picture that's horizontally wide horizontally, it insists on doing it vertically. That is
========= saturn =========
according to print preview, wants to print
|| || || saturn || || ||
Two questions:
What format is the 'picture': is it a graphics file (eg .jpeg, etc.) or a PDF/PS file or some sort of document (eg word processing file)?
What program are you using to print it?
You hit it, dead on. Found this nice jpg from NASA, large, 5.5M, and first tried from firefox, then, at the recommendation of a co-worker, eog (Eye of Gnome). Firefox was mind-bogglingly slow, but neither showed me a preview other than vertical.
Then, while googling, I saw some comments, and installed OO.o on the server that the printer's hung off of (*nobody* in our division, other than us, is going to get to this sucker, not at the price of the ink...). New text doc, inserted the jpg, made sure it was set to landscape... and I have a lovely 7"x18" *horizontal* pic of Saturn.
Now to play around, so that it doesn't waste about 6" top and bottom....