So I have tried and used most, I am anxious to see redhats next version of KVM stuff that will make it into rhel 6, whenever that is, once the management tools on LINUX catch up I will be moving towards that. I am currently using vmware server 2 on centos 5.4 and while there were some issues there are documented work arounds and once up it has been very stable. The web interface is not anywhere near as good as the 1.x client it gets the job done since I don't run windows natively anywhere. The bottleneck with almost all of the virtualizations is IO depending on # of hosts and disk layout can affect them. The bare kernel hypervisors like esxi and proxmox etc will tend to have better performance but then you will be unable to run native things on the server also, which is what I do and it works nicely for what I want to accomplish.
On 2/2/2010 11:09 AM, Greg Bailey wrote:That's true, but the windows client doesn't need to be part of your
> Les Mikesell wrote:
>> I have to agree that ESXi is better, but I've had VMware server running
>> for years (mostly 1.x versions on CentOS 3.x, but also some CentOS 5.x
>> and VMware 2.x) with no surprises other than jumpy clocks. The servers
>> have sometimes been shut down for power work but I've probably had more
>> than a year of uptime for some intervals on C3 boxes running 3 windows
>> guests. I rarely use the vmware console though - I prefer to vnc
>> directly to the guests once everything is set up. The one advantage of
>> Server vs. ESXi is that you can run things on the host natively if you
>> want.
> I would say another advantage of Server as opposed to ESXi is that you
> don't need a Windows box to administer it. VMware Server version 1.X
> uses a "server console" that has Windows and Linux clients, whereas I
> believe VMware Server version 2 is web-based. VMware ESXi *requires*
> that you have a Windows machine to install the "vSphere Client".
production infrastructure - you only need it when making changes or if
some problem prevents direct access to the guests with vnc/ssh, etc. A
laptop or remote desktop works fine - or you could run a windows VM
under VMware server to install the ESXi setup if you really don't want
to let windows touch your hardware (which probably came with windows