On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 3:40 PM,
<m.roth@5-cent.us> wrote:
Mister IT Guru wrote:
> On 13/01/2011 21:45, Daniel Heitmann wrote:
>> On 13.01.2011, at 22:34, Ray Van Dolson wrote:
>>> You should probably give RH a call with your questions, or try this
>>> mailing list:
>> Or wait a few more weeks for CentOS 6, if it's a money-issue.
> I assumed that this would be the case! Made me realise how much faith I
> have in the CentOS volunteers. Every time I've heard of a RHEL release,
> I brace myself and think "WooHoo - CentOS in three months!" Is this how
> other CentOS users feel when they hear a RHEL announcement?
Heh. As opposed to Sun, er, Oracle tech support, where when I have to call
them, it's more along the lines of self-abuse.
mark, and the system seems to be running ok after a *month* of
go-rounds, thank you for asking....