On Tue, 2006-02-28 at 08:41 -0700, Mace Eliason wrote:
Thanks for all the replys and I have been checking out all your suggestions. I guess though I still have not found exactly what I am looking for. The client I have want's to become an ISP and needs tools to monitor bandwidth usage, as well as set how much bandwidth each of their clients gets for example 1.5Mbs. Also if they get close to the download limite it needs to be able to email them say their limit it 10Gig / month. I guess what I really need is an ISP tool kit.
Something I have found is www.PowerNOC.net
You should be looking at higher end Cisco gear if you want to become an ISP. Kludging some low end systems together either won't scale very well or will not provide the performance you want.