On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Jonathan Billings billings@negate.org wrote:
On Mon, Feb 09, 2015 at 07:06:11PM +0000, Always Learning wrote:
The third item was a 16.1 MB PDF of 1,344 pages. A quick scan of the PDF shows every page appears to be readable. 11 pages devoted to BASH. Information on other interesting topics too.
Although I have a natural preference for paper books (I became a computer person at a large international book publisher) and I like the ability to annotate text, the PDF is definitely a useful and informative read.
It looks like that's a pirated book, so it's probably not terribly ethical (nor safe) to use that PDF.
-- Jonathan Billings billings@negate.org
Good observation.
Do you know of an ethically available reference on the System Administration topic?