Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 05:38:30PM -0500, Steve wrote:
But I would be *very* interested to know how you could calculate the total throughput of a random drive if you *did* know the fixed block size.
Knowing the blocksize used, I would just tell him to use "mt setblk" to the same block size, then use "dump" to dump a random ammount of that to the tape. Dump will provide you with the throughtput rate you want.
If you don't know the blocksize, or if you are using variable (0), you really can't measure it outside the specific application you are using to write the data to the tape.
Seems like it would be easier to just run it through something like buffer, mbuffer, or dbuffer and have one of those report the value second by second, in kilobytes per second.
Should work too, but is it possible to do with the application he is using ?
Actually, what IS the application he is using ?
Good question.
Let's assume that he is using "BackMeUpNow Proprietary Editition(tm)" newly ported from Win32 and running under Winelib.
Another strategy, then, might be to do something like:
# Clear the cache dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/null bs=1M count=2048
# Run the backup utility ./BackMeUpNowProForLinux
And then monitor it with:
vmstat 60
What gets written to tape has to be read from disk first, right?