On Oct 6, 2009, at 2:23 AM, Sorin Srbu wrote:
From: centos-bounces@centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces@centos.org] On
Of Paul Heinlein Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 12:35 AM
The bigger issue is ensuring that an older computer has enough disk space to house a modern distro and enough RAM to run modern kernels -- and even then you can tighten things up if you're willing to work with a speciality distro.
I second that, nicely put!
I've got an ancient box (over 10 years old), running an old version of *Redhat* (not RHEL or Fedora). It's fine... but then, I have *no* X on it, *no* compilers, no next to nothing - all it is, is a firewall/router.
If that's all you put on, shouldn't be a big deal on an older system. The only thing I'd consider putting a compiler on it for is to build chkroot.
If I may suggest Smoothwall for a firewall appliance...? This is a specialty distro, IPCop is another similar distro. Smoothwall's even got a
i know I used to use a Linux PC as a firewall for my home system. Back before the inexpensive routers, and before the fairly easy to find specialty loads. The thing that got me away from it was it was
<snip> Yeah, my box is getting *really* long in the tooth, and I'm starting to think of replacing it (after I get done bleeding money from my *just* finished relo). I know what its replacement will be, though: WRT54GL. I want the control that linux running on there gives me, so I can manage it, and upgrade, rather than what the OEM thinks is important.