Hello R,
On Sun, 11 Sep 2011 17:15:02 -0700 "R - elists" lists07@abbacomm.net wrote:
I've edited /etc/hosts to add few custom IP/hostnames couples. After each reboot, I have to add them again. I've then added /etc/sysconfig/network/hosts, but it seems to ignore it or at least ignore assignments I'm doing in it.
Is there a mechanism I'm not aware of, or doing things wrong to make my custom IP/hostnames assignments permanent after network services restart?
you didnt tell us much about your centos version etc so....
is your networking set up statically, or is it dhcp dynamic.
if the latter, then "possibly" that is part of the issue
ive always noticed that files like /etc/resolv.conf and others can change in a generic dhcp environment
...one reason we setup almost everything statically
You're right, I'm sorry about this. It's CentOS6, DHCP setup.
When /etc/hosts is rewritten, it keeps the lines that describe remote hosts (other but, but remove my custom assignments to, this is the point I'd like to solve. I have to say that the aliases to are defined on several lines ( foo bar\n127.0.0.1 a b c\n).
I've put in /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/ a hosts file with my custom lines in, but this apparently isn't enough.