I am pleased to announce some significant updates to our ConfigManagement Special Interest Group for YUM4. This provides YUM4, based on DNF technology, for testing on CentOS Linux 7/x86_64. These updates are based on feedback from our prior test release last October. It includes signed packages, core DNF plugins, and uses a version of RPM very similar to and compatible with the upcoming version of CentOS 7.5.
This initiative is based on a partnership with the upstream YUM and DNF maintainers for the future of package management. Our testing thus far indicates no major problems, but we would love to find out how it fits into your existing YUM 3 workflows. So please consider filling out the short survey - your feedback helps us all get better.
YUM 4 provides significant improvements such as fast dependency resolution and a stable, documented API. See the references below for detailed improvements. We have made every effort to preserve the existing end-user experience that is available with YUM 3. This is the primary reason for making YUM 4 available for testing now.
For detailed information and instructions to install YUM4 on your CentOS machine, please visit our wiki: https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/ConfigManagementSIG/YUM4
And remember to submit feedback in the short survey to help us understand how it can be improved further: https://goo.gl/forms/H1SL1HaEjdV9EUGH3
Many thanks to the CentOS Project team for their assistance in making this happen!
Marek Blaha