JohnS wrote, On 08/05/2010 11:24 AM:
On Thu, 2010-08-05 at 11:04 -0400, Todd Denniston wrote:
You speak of transactions in a way that makes me think you are dealing with databases. If this is the case, then I suggest you take a few searches over to the drbd archives** and look for database issues, IIRC ...
Not saying that having the DB on top of gluster or DRBD too would be bad, just suggesting that you may want to have the DB backed by something that fully understands the transactions.
Nice analogy have you ever done this? Have you done this with separate Read Write DBs? How about streaming to a file (constant backup). The OP is talking about virtual machine images....
The reason I suggested the googleing (a few searches) in the drbd list, is that I have _read_ the discussions on the list, and Recalled that some found it more appropriate for the DB to do the work. I on the other hand have fortunately only been an observer of the discussions, not a participant, nor a user of the ideas. i.e. I only have the metadata that there have been some good (well reasoned and polite) discussions of database replication on that list, which I believe would apply equally to a DB on DRBD and to a DB on a replicating file system.