Le 08/03/2018 à 17:15, hw a écrit :
But you aren´t broadcasting messages, or are you?
If they mean something like "make data accessible", the only way to be compliant with such a law is by not providing public access. How do you distinguish between things that are contrary to basic human dignity and things that aren´t, and how do you keep track of all existing sources of data so that you can decide whether you need to block them or not? Or who gets to decide?
For example, I could argue that tracking peoples online activities, storing their data any longer than is unavoidable for the purpose they were gathered for, gathering data about people without their explicit consent and displaying any advertisements in public is against basic human dignity. All these take away my freedom, and I want to be protected against them and require the means to stay in control of my data and thus of my life. Freedom and being able to have control of ones own life certainly falls under basic human dignity.
Someone else could argue against this. You would need to block all access to this mailing list because a judge might find it against basic human dignity that someone is saying something else.
You might also need to block all access to information about how immigrants are being treated in Europe because the way at least some of them could be against basic human dignity.
And what right does the French government have to demand such censorship? This kind of censorship is against human dignity.
Guys. This is the CentOS mailing list, a place to discuss technical questions... such as web content filtering.
As for the content in question, the law was mainly made for kids, to prevent them from watching porn, decapitation videos or various tutorials about growing weed or building bombs.
I doubt this is the right place to air your various beefs with humanity in general and the french government in particular. So please let's all get back on topic.
As a follow-up, I just published an article on how to combine an existing installation of Squid with SquidAnalyzer:
* https://blog.microlinux.fr/squidanalyzer-centos/