Digimer <linux@...> writes:
I'm trying to rebuild a pretty old server. For this, I need a copy of the CentOS 4.3 i386 DVD ISO, ideally. The torrent on the CentOS vault is not working... Does anyone have a copy of:
CentOS-4.3-i386-binDVD.iso (md5sum: ca5ccf17951f4b4ef0460c7847e0f2ac)
Kicking around? I'd be much obliged if I could get a copy. :)
I notice that the vault seems to consistently provide only CDs but not the DVD. Since the delta isos going from the DVD to the CDs are of negligible size (for example see the 13-Final/ and 14-Final/ subdirectories of http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/deltaisos/ ), it would probably be better to do it the other way around (DVD + DVD->CD disos). The only downside would be for people who only need a subset of the CDs having to use more bandwidth to get them, but most people nowadays probably prefer the DVD anyway (cheap DVD drives, virtual installs).